WEkEO 4 Atmosphere Monitoring 2025

WEkEO Use Cases

Examples of how atmosphere related issues are studied through the WEkEO platform

Lobelia Air

Monitoring air quality in Madrid

How good is the air we breathe every day? With Lobelia Air you can access real-time air quality information at street-level resolution. Lobelia Air is an innovative air quality monitoring system, providing high-accuracy information at a street-level resolution, using a combination of local data sources and satellite observations.
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ADC Toolbox

Comparing Atmopsheric Composition Datasets

ADC Toolbox addresses this issue for atmospheric composition datasets, offering a set of functions, written in Python, that facilitate: file interoperability, binning and regridding, computation of levels pressure, conversion of units, application of the averaging kernels, datasets merge, geostatistical comparison and trend analysis.
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Estimating wind from Sentinel-3 to improve weather forecasts

Numerical models used for weather forecasts need continuous ingestion of observations of current weather status to provide reliable estimates. One technique to estimate atmospheric wind is through the computation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs).
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